Basic communication skills

Body Language Basics #1- First Impressions

Ever hear the expression “You can’t take back a first impression?” Well, it’s definitely true, but my guess is you have no idea just how quickly first impressions are made, or why it’s critical for anyone who wants to make more friends, get more dates, or do better at work. So here’s the real deal of first impressions: Whenever you… Read more →

Body Language Basics- Introduction

We all know that the way me move and hold our body is important. But did you know just how important? Studies show that humans can categorize body movements in fractions upon fractions of a second. This means that when you meet someone, you will have come to certain conclusion about him or her way before a word is spoken…. Read more →

Self Awareness = Perception Awareness = Professional Success

Self Awareness = Perception Awareness = Professional Success

In this article we’re going to explore a bit more deeply the phenomenon of self awareness and how that relates to our overall and ongoing process of communication. Self Awareness & Perception Awareness Most of you know that I’m a teacher and it’s the beginning of the new school year…!  One of the first lessons of the year focuses on “professionalism.” … Read more →

The Models of Communication

The Models of Communication

Today we’re going to be discussing the Three (3) Models of Communication, but before we hop into it, you should be sure that you are up to speed with your communication terminology. You might want to have our glossary handy, or you might want to head to The Communication Process article for a quick review. The Communication Models The purpose… Read more →

Basic Communication Skills

Basic Communication Skills

The Skills of Basic Communication If your search engine has brought you here in a quest for the Four Basic Communication Skills then here they are: Speaking Listening Reading Writing There you go!  On to your next mission, information gatherer!  If, however, you’ve just been browsing around the Web or have been checking out some of the other pages on… Read more →