Communication Resources

The Tools You Need for Better Communication & Persuasion

Welcome to the Resources section of The Communication Process. Below are a list of tools that we recommend for anyone looking to:

  • Improve their communication skills in work, love and life.
  • Build their persuasion abilities so that they can get people to take action on their ideas.

These are all tools and sources of information we’ve used to get promotions and raises at work, build amazing relationships with our significant others and kids, and allow us to become leaders in our communities.


Communication Models – The Best Book We’ve Found

If you’re looking for a great book that outlines the communication models – this is the book for you.

This is the go-to book for anyone in the academic field looking for a resource to help them learn quickly so they can prepare an awesome paper or presentation.

Pick up the Communication Models Book




Never Split the Difference

This is one of the best books I’ve ever read about communication and persuasion. It’s written by an ex-FBI hostage negotiator.

The approach of the book is: When it comes to hostage negotiation, there is no splitting the difference – you can’t get back half a hostage! Instead what’s laid out is a methodology for actually listening to the other person and allowing them to be heard. Once this is complete, you can get people to do almost anything. A great skill from the book:  Mirroring.

Note: This is not a gimmiky book with “tricks” to get people to do what you want. What’s contained inside is WISDOM on how to effectively deal with anyone. Highly recommended.

You can buy the book here.

The Charisma Myth

This incredible and easy-to-read book offers practical tips on how to become more charismatic. It starts with describing how one of the most charismatic people in History- Marylin Monroe herself- was able to intentionally turn her charisma on and off at will. In other words, charisma is a science that can be learned and practiced.

It includes powerful visualization techniques, body language best practices, and communication do’s and don’ts among much more. Everything in the book is scientifically researched and best of all, it works.

Don’t feel comfortable with the idea of being charismatic? Don’t worry- as explained in the book, there are actually a few different kinds of charisma, and each one can be learned and applied based on your personality, mood, and goals.  In fact, really successful people will master all the different charisma styles and switch between them as needed.

You can buy the book here. 

How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age

Dale Carnegie was more than just an author. He began an incredible movement that has resulted in hundreds of books and courses teaching communication, public speaking, and personal development. This updated version of his original How to Win Friends gives you all of the original wisdom, plus new understandings of how the digital age has effected our communication habits.

While the human race is communicating faster than ever before, many of the same principals of effective communication still apply and this book breaks all of it down to common sense and practical guidelines. For Example- How to stay in control of yourself to lead conversations well, how to engage people so that they want to do business with you, and more.

You can buy the book here.