Communication in Personal Relationships

The art of listening- How to be the person everyone wants to talk to

Listening is an art. There is a big difference between hearing and listening. You hear a bus zoom by. You listen for the sound of the ice cream truck. Listening is active- you are doing something, paying attention, giving thought. You are actually searching for the deeper message behind the words. The better a listener you are, the more people will share… Read more →

Self Awareness = Perception Awareness = Professional Success

Self Awareness = Perception Awareness = Professional Success

In this article we’re going to explore a bit more deeply the phenomenon of self awareness and how that relates to our overall and ongoing process of communication. Self Awareness & Perception Awareness Most of you know that I’m a teacher and it’s the beginning of the new school year…!  One of the first lessons of the year focuses on “professionalism.” … Read more →

Basic Communication Skills

Basic Communication Skills

The Skills of Basic Communication If your search engine has brought you here in a quest for the Four Basic Communication Skills then here they are: Speaking Listening Reading Writing There you go!  On to your next mission, information gatherer!  If, however, you’ve just been browsing around the Web or have been checking out some of the other pages on… Read more →

The Importance of Communication

The Importance of Communication

So, comuncation is… like er important, you knowj? Hi Friends.  What was your first impression of that sentence?  What was the first thing you thought?  It’s a joke, right?  It would be hard to believe that someone would have a sentence like that on the home page of a website.  I did it to stress the importance of communication.  Everything… Read more →

Developing an Awesome Communication Strategy

Developing an Awesome Communication Strategy

What might be the purpose of a communication strategy?  Well, if we look back at our definition of communication, we’ll remember that communication is the sending and receiving messages.  Notice that this definition says nothing about the successful sending and receiving of messages.  Let’s remember the reason why we communicate.  We do so to obtain what we need or desire…. Read more →